We use the most up-to-date technology to ensure the best eye care possible. Here are some of the different types of tests and equipment you may experience on a visit to our Practice.
Bruder Moist Heat Eye Compress
BRUDER Moist Heat Eye Compress opens oil glands and allows natural oils to flow back into the eye relieving discomfort from aging, contact lenses, use of digital devices and more.
Includes the latest in retina and glaucoma diagnostics, such as OCT angiography and en face imaging
Computerized Perceptual Therapy
Customized therapy to help train simultaneous processing, sequential processing, & processign speed.
Computer Orthoptics VTS4
Computer based therapy for eliminating amblyopia; breaking suppressions; improving oculomotor skills; improving visual memory; improving accommodative facility; altering retinal correspondence; increasing fusional ranges; and/or treating strabismus.
Daytona plus
Provides digital images of 200 degrees or up to 82% of the retina in a single, non-contact optomap image. Includes special software to give your doctor more insights.
EyeQ Trainer
A computer-based customized treatment option proven to help improve functional vision issues.
Humphrey Matrix FDT Visual Field
An ideal Glaucoma screening device that provides a clinically verified, fast and affordable means of detecting early visual field loss.
InflammaDry is a disposable, low cost test, that requires no additional equipment to administer or interpret results. Using four simple steps, InflammaDry test results are achieved in just 10 minutes, aiding in the diagnosis of dry eye before the patient leaves the office.
KR-800PA Auto Kerato-Refractometer with Corneal Mapping
Using an automated, computerized refracting system, we can determine the best prescription for you. Advanced vision-assessment system that combines topography, wavefront, autorefraction, keratometry, and pupillometry — allowing accurate and reliable analysis of corneal aberration.
Measures the communication between the visual system and the brain utilizing electrophysiological technology.
Visual Evoked Potential (VEP): VEP measures early detection of eye disease by identifying cell health before permanent damage occurs.
OCULUS Keratograph® 5M
Using an automated, computerized refracting system, we can determine the best prescription for you. Advanced vision-assessment system that combines topography, wavefront, autorefraction, keratometry, and pupillometry — allowing accurate and reliable analysis of corneal aberration.
Optec 5000 Series Vision Screeners
All-in-one digital vision screener with customizable tests to fit the patient's needs
Optima IPL
Treat the root cause: chronic inflammation Optima IPL is a drug free, drop free light-based treatment, which targets the root causes – chronic inflammation.
This is used to assess the risk of developing Age-related Macular Degneraion (AMD). This quick, easy and non-invasive test will give you a baseline of your macular pigment optical density (MPOD).
RightEye is a non-invasive test that quickly and efficiently measures and analyzes eye movement, brain processing and reaction time, and compares results to peers, amateurs and pro athletes.
SHAW™ lens
Using the SHAW lens design software, the clinician has direct control over management of both refractive and binocular components.
Sports Vision Trainer
Easy-to-follow vision exercises to improve coordination, reaction times and more on the field, court and green.
TearLab Osmolarity System
TearLab's sophisticated lab on a chip technology tests a tiny tear sample to measure Osmolarity, or the salt content in the tears. This gives doctors a meaningful measure of the health and stability of the protective tear film that covers the surface of your eyes.
The Neurolens Measurement Device, Gen 2 (NMD2)
The NMD2 is an objective, accurate and repeatable way to measure eye alignment. The cutting-edge eye tracking system allows the NMD2 to identify eye misalignment as small as 0.1 Prism Diopters, acquiring over 10,000 data points per patient.
Topcon KR-8000PA Autorefractor/ Keratometer
The new tri-functional KR-8000PA SUPRA Auto Refractor / Keratometer / Topographer combines an auto-refractor, an auto-keratometer, and a computerized color corneal mapping system all in a single, compact unit! This enables the instrument to provide three times the diagnostic capabilities in one-third the space, at a fraction of the cost of the individual instruments. By implementing the Topcon exclusive rotary prism technology for the refraction portion of the measurement, the KR-8000PA provides objective data that is unmatched in accuracy and reliability. Auto tracking and auto measurement enhance the ease of operation. The unit also incorporates ten Placido rings for enhanced testing precision, providing corneal mapping measurements out to 10mm!
iCare Tonometer
This accurate painless puffless tonometer measures the eye's intra-ocular pressure (IOP).
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Was designed to aid in the diagnosis and management of diabetic eye disease and other vascular diseases.
BlephExTM hand piece precisely and carefully, spins a medical grade micro-sponge along the edge of your eyelids and lashes, removing scurf and debris and exfoliating your eyelids.