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Success Stories

1. Video Success Stories;

Elinor talks about her vision therapy experience;

Finn & his mom talk about vision therapy;

Reese details her vision therapy experience;


2. Here are many more of our ‘Success Stories’;

June 2024

Vision Therapy has given Riley a new lease on life, freeing her from constant struggles with her vision. It helped her grow into a person that now loves to read.

May 2024

I cannot believe we are finished with VT. So much has changed! Tyler no longer hates school. Tyler’s teacher has said that his reading has “exploded!” Tyler brings a book with him on trips now and has been caught reading in a hot tub or beside a pool.

April 2024

The HEC VT team are so knowledgeable and work so hard to stay current on new VT teaching modalities and education. They are always learning and looking for new ways to implement best practice, using fun activities and homework.

March 2024

We are just amazed watching Pete play lacrosse. This is a sport that would not have been an option for Pete a year ago and he is excelling at it.

May 2023

Student – “I feel a lot better about my left eye. (Amblyopia) My vision through both eyes is better. I have been to other Dr.’s and they couldn’t help me.”

March 2023

Parent – “Delaney is now earning good report card grades, has improved behavior and reads like crazy!”

March 2023

Parent – “You don’t grow out of this. There is no price tag on being able to see properly.”

February 2023

Student, “I know what I’m reading now. I understand again.”
Parent – “Chloe’s confidence is back now.”

February 2023

Parent – “Jacob enjoys reading now. It was worth the time and money.”

Thanks to an alert OT Nathan’s Tracking Problem was found;

Nathan was six years old when he started first grade. He didn’t know all of his letters and couldn’t read any words. Nathan had been in an all day preschool and kindergarten and practising letters and sounds.

Something just wasn’t right. An occupational therapist recommended getting an evaluation for Vision Therapy because she thought his eyes weren’t tracking correctly. So Nathan had an evaluation and started Vision Therapy in November. Nathan just finished his eye therapy in May and has improved so much with his reading. He not only knows all the letters, but is now reading short chapter books.

Thank you Denise and Hartland Eye Care

Kathy Hein

Improved Homework and Reading Skill;

Since we have started vision therapy, the changes we have seen in Brandon over the past six months have been significant. The first thing we noticed was that he wasn’t complaining that he didn’t now how to do his homework. We think this is because he could finally understand how to follow the directions on each assignment.

He continues to improve his ability to read books that are longer and have more complex words, and then remembering what the story was about. Now, he is more intent on the story than trying to pronounce all the words perfectly.

In addition to the improved schoolwork, Brandon also seems to be more at ease with his friends and classmates. We think this comes from continuing to improve in coordination and focus on outside activities.

In summary, we think this therapy was well worth the time and cost, and wouldn’t hesitate to encourage others with similar problems, to go through it as well.

Lisa Frahm

Which Ball Do I Swing At?

In baseball I was seeing two balls. Then therapy started to make the two balls become one. Then it made it easier to do everything else!

(Commentary by Dr. Doud – Daniel is a great athlete could compensate and still play quite well despite his double vision! Sometimes highly skilled people hide their serious vision problems. He did much better when his eyes worked as a team though.)

Daniel Canada

Less Frustration and Better Self Esteem

Prior to vision therapy my son found his time in school to be extremely frustrating. When reading aloud he would skip right over so many little words that constructing meaning required rereading and slowed the whole process down considerably.

In math his frustration continued because he would write a 2 when he meant a 5 or a 6 when he meant a 9. No matter how well he understood a concept, the reversals made assessing his knowledge difficult. His self-esteem began to suffer and he was beginning to mistrust his ability to learn.

Finding Hartland Eye Care and the Visual Learning Center was a real blessing.

During VT my son was able to realize that much of his struggle was about controlling his eyes, not a reflection of intelligence. His confidence began to grow as his ability to control his eyes improved. He developed depth perception, which he did not have prior to VT and I will never forget his astonished excitement the day he caught something in one hand while focusing on something else-a successful use of peripheral vision.

It seemed such an ordinary thing to me that his uncontained joy over it gave me insight, however small, to the challenges my son must have faced daily in trying to master skills with vision that had not developed as quickly as the rest of him. This alone gave me both appreciation and respect for all of his efforts.

He was working twice as hard in school, with faulty “equipment”, and not getting an equal return for those efforts.

We are very thankful for all that VT has given us. We’ve gained knowledge, appreciation, and recognition for our son’s vision struggles. His work in school is easier, less frustrating, and definitely more rewarding.

Most of all, with his improved eye control and vision, our son feels more competent to face whatever lies ahead-with no limitations. He feels ready and able.

Thanks Denise!

Corrine Paver

Another Reading Success

Joe’s lack of desire to read, and his frustration with school work prompted us to search out help for him. Checking his eyes was a natural beginning.

Fortunately through a series of eye appointments for family members we were directed to Dr. Doud. He confirmed that there were obstacles in Joe’s way to being a successful student.

Over a 30 week course of treatment we successfully overcame Joe’s vision problems. He is now capable of doing more with his vision than I am.

The biggest measure of success is the level of books he is now reading. We went from reading simple chapter books to reading young adult books. I am very grateful for the services that the Visual Learning Center game my son.

Kathleen Maule

Reading Improved / Better Self Esteem

My son’s self esteem about reading and writing was so low. He thought he was stupid because all the other kids his age were doing so much better in reading. We even held him back in the first grade, thinking that would help him.

He has improved so much in reading and his over-all self esteem. He read his first book all by himself about half way through therapy.

He has some catching up to do but I feel confident he has the tools to be successful. He received those tools from therapy. I waited a year before I signed him up;

I wished I would have done it sooner. It was worth every penny!

A. Michaels

School and Sports Success

During my time in eye therapy I have been comprehending a lot better in math and English, so I have been getting better grades.

It really helped me when Mrs. Gusfa taught me how to use both of my eyes so I can see well.

If you play sports and you can’t see up close or far away you won’t see the ball coming to you. And you can’t see the smaller balls like baseball and lacrosse; I see better when I play sports now. I have been doing great in all my subjects and all my other stuff like football.

It hasn’t been until I have started eye therapy I have done better. It’s easier in class and I like my teacher better.


Ryan Hill

Mom’s Opinion

To anyone considering Vision Therapy, Ryan’s vision therapy is one of the best investments into Ryan’s future that we have made. He was having such a difficult time in school, his grades were not good, especially in English and math.

He’s struggled with reading since he started school. The Title 1 program at school did not help, which he did for at least 3 years, we even hired a tutor for a summer which didn’t help either.

It wasn’t until we did the vision therapy that we saw a difference. His grades have been really good since he started 6th grade, he does most of his homework on his own. His teacher has no concerns with Ryan what so ever, he thinks Ryan is doing great in all of his subjects.

I’m so glad that we have Dr. Doud and Denise Gusfa in our community, if you are a parent who may have struggled in school and had you self esteem affected by it, it’s the last thing you want your child to have to go through.


Debbie Hill

Proud mother of Ryan Hill

Homework Easier, Less Impulsive, good MEAP scores

Dear Dr. Doud and Denise:

Thank you so much for the time and effort you put into helping Bryce through Vision Therapy. What a difference. I believe had we not found you, Bryce would have been headed for special Ed., his learning would have been so hampered by his reading ability, nothing would have mattered.

Vision Therapy not only has made Bryce much happier in school, it has made our lives at home so much easier. I knew that my son was no dummy, he’s a very smart boy, yet homework was so time consuming and he would find anything to get out of it.

Not anymore.

We fly through our homework with no fighting. I was simply amazed the first time he read to me and he sounded like he could really read, no more stammering, looking at me to figure out the easiest of words and no more avoiding reading.

I get a little teary-eyed when I see him curled up with a book and reading because he wants to.

To anyone who may ever think about putting their son or daughter in Vision Therapy, DO IT!!!!

Yes, at times it is tough. Yes, at times they may get very angry with you. Yes, it is time consuming. And YES IT’S WORTH IT!

When the school year started, my son read at a 1.2 reading level, he was in the 3rd grade. I knew my son had so much more. Now, after Vision Therapy, my son reads at a 4.5 reading level and it took less than 1 year.

So may things have changed in my son’s world. Every teacher he ever had told me how impulsive he was, not any more. His reading teacher commented on how much control he seemed to have. On the MEAP test, he scored “Exceeds State Standards” in reading.

Thank you again Dr. Doud and Denise, if you ever need a cheerleader, call on us we have nothing but wonderful things to say about Vision Therapy.


The Rayburn’s

Lloyd and Kim

Another Reading Success

Jack was always a very bright little boy but was really struggling in all areas of reading. He also had a very difficult time staying on task with reading activities.

We had tried everything we could think of to help him including hiring a tutor. Finally a visit to the eye doctor brought Jack’s tracking problem to out attention.

In the beginning the exercises were frustrating and tedious for Jack but we stuck with it and after about 8 weeks we started to notice small differences.

After a while the exercises were easier for Jack and he no longer minded doing them because he realized they were helping him. After summer break with the tutor, she was amazed at how much progress he had made. His attention was much better also.

Jack’s reading level jumped from a level 8 (earlier-mid 1st grade level) at the beginning of second grade to a level 20 (mid 2nd grade level) by Christmas break. Yeah! He is still a little behind but working to catch up.

Jennifer Weithman

My Eyes Don’t Hurt Anymore

Vision Therapy helped me because my right eye was hurting very bad.

But now it does not hurt at all. Vision Therapy helped me read better because with that one eye hurting it was hard to read. My teacher told me I was doing better at school work.

Your friend,

Devin Clark

Confident and Happy Child Again

I have noticed a big improvement in Mary’s attitude towards school and trying new things. She seems more confident in herself and is a happier person now.

While Mary’s reading level is not where it could be, she enjoys reading and that is a giant step towards increasing her reading grade level.

I would recommend this to any parent who feels their child may be experiencing trouble in reading.

Carol Kinney

Words Don’t Disappear Anymore

I have a cool teacher. Her name is Lynn. Vision Therapy is fun and funnier every time. I like to read. Vision Therapy helps me on seeing and reading.

I am home schooled and it is fun. Vision Therapy helps because when I look at something all things disappeared. But now nothing disappears because Vision Therapy is the best.

Mary Kinney

Reading and Math

When we began to investigate how vision therapy could benefit Kendra, she was really struggling. Kendra was reading well below grade average and any academic task was difficult.

We wondered if Kendra was dyslexic as she struggled with letter reversals in both reading and writing. She would routinely skip words when reading and often lose her place in even the shortest texts.

Vision therapy has given us a fresh start to reading.

Kendra can now read more easily, understand what she is reading, and take the time to sound out new words. Her visual thinking skills have improved significantly as well making math an easier subject to comprehend.

We are grateful for the help we received and for the outstanding program!

Michele Hardy

More Visually Aware of Surroundings

I saw very early in the therapy, that her peripheral vision improved after just a few exercises. It was pretty easy to see how she retrained herself to use the “soft focus” and it made a big improvement in many things.

She used to dread reading & often lost her place in the text. Her fingers were always needed to keep her place. The Heart Chart really helped. Her comprehension has really picked up also.

I think her overall coordination has improved also.

Her awareness of her surroundings has improved substantially. She used to be very easily distracted and could only focus on one thing at a time. She seems to be able to process her surroundings better and stays on task much better.

Jen Defenderfer

School and Sports Easier

Vision Therapy is awesome! It made a huge difference! School used to be hard for me, and sports. In sports I used to see two balls while batting, and my coach was starting to get mad at me.

My team was not very happy either.

In school it was hard to see the board and see to of your teacher is not great either. When I first found out about vision therapy, and that I was doing it, I wasn’t very happy. When I ended it I could see the results.

The only hard part was the homework, but you have to do it.

Good luck!

Thank you Denise!

Lauren Dubois

Mom’s Opinion – A New Confidence

WOW!… What a difference! Vision Therapy has made some amazing differences in Lauren’s life. Lauren has always done well in school, but she definitely had to work much harder than most children her age to acquire good grades.

Lauren managed to get 4 A’s and 2 A+s on her first report card in 6th grade (Middle School) after completing vision therapy.

The best part is she received these grades and did not have to struggle. She no longer complains about headaches and she has learned to enjoy reading!

A second wonderful difference is Lauren is confidence has increased ten fold, not just academically, but in everyday life.

It is so nice to see her feel confident in everything she does. My entire family would agree the Vision Therapy Program was a huge success for Lauren and would highly recommend it to anyone that is a candidate.

Lisa Dubois

Different Child

Before beginning eye Therapy, our school situation was a disaster. My son didn’t want to go to school, complaining of stomach aches.

While at school, Blake used the pencil sharpener and bathroom to avoid work. At the end of first grade, he could identify only half of the alphabet, knew a hand full of words and his handwriting was illegible.

We began eye therapy the following summer. After Dr. Doud evaluation, we learned that Blake barely made it on the charts on all the tests.

Again, as a parent, we were discouraged. We proceeded with eye therapy, desperate for anything that could help.

The first weeks were a struggle. The homework was difficult and Blake fought me to do it. Then, just after a few weeks, we noticed a difference.

Blake was suddenly calmer. Even family members noticed the difference. This was our first break-through.

As many parents of struggling children, we continued seeing teachers, school professionals, doctors and psychologists. Many of them dismissed the validity of eye therapy.

They suggested stopping the treatment, and investing in a tutor instead. We continued with eye therapy, because we knew in our hearts, something was happening.

Months passed and Blake continued to make “break throughs”. The road was hard, and bumpy at times, but we kept going. Homework was like second nature. And the pride in my child’s eyes when he made a successful climb was priceless to me.

Now that we are finishing eye therapy, Blake is a different child. He is a happy boy and loves to go to school. He is now reading at a low grade level,

But the important part is…he’s reading!

I’m very proud of all the success Blake has been able to attain. I’m also grateful for the hard work and dedication of Dr. Doud and Blake’s Therapist Denise.

You’ve made a difference in my son’s life.

Lisa DesRosiers

Homework Struggles Gone

We are very pleased with the improvements Will has made as a result of vision therapy. He used to be discouraged with school and playing sports.

He used to fall off his stool all the time, just out of the blue. But the worst was the daily fight and struggle to get his homework done.

It would take three times the amount of time, plus tears and frustration to complete his school work. After vision therapy, Will sits down and does his homework in a timely fashion without any tears or frustration.

He can hit a baseball without getting discouraged and giving up.

As parents, we used to get upset with Will because his behavior led us to believe he wasn’t trying. He’d try anything to get out of doing school word.

We thought he was being lazy.

It pains us to realize the great amount of difficulty he was experiencing while doing his work. We are truly relieved that Will was tested in Kindergarten for vision tracking and convergence. I’m convinced we might never have discovered the root of his problems otherwise.

Vision Therapy was definitely worth it for Will.

Nancy La Marra

Happier Child!

Vision Therapy has changed our home school environment.

Mitchell was so frustrated and angry before vision therapy we had more discipline problems than ever before. Now he’s a different kid! He doesn’t complain and avoid school work; he’s all around a more fulfilled, happier child! He expresses himself appropriately and understands his responsibilities.

Mitchell loves Vision Therapy. He loves Mrs. Denise!

He feels safe, secure & confident to do the work he needs to with her. We are very grateful for V.T. Mitch is no longer afraid to pick up and READ! He has amazing confidence!

Thank you Dr. Doud for understanding the needs of these children and being in our community!

Thank you Denise we will ALWAYS remember you!

Michelle Nixon

Double vision gone and reading better

Vision Therapy is really awesome. I learned to comprehend better. I was really thrilled when I made the honor roll. I’m glad that I am not seeing double letters.

I am able to read chapter books and really enjoy them! It’s a big enormous difference! I have learned when you put a pencil topper close I can pull my eyes in.

Mrs. Denise I don’t want to stop I just want to keep on going. I will miss you so much. And I bet you will miss me too.

Bye Mrs. Denise

Ashlynne Ingerson

Reading better

When I started eye therapy I wasn’t a very good reader. Now I’m reading 5th grade books, and I’m more interested in books.

My favorite part about eye therapy is seeing Mrs. Lynn. I am getting better at soccer and I’m more focused in the game. And that is my success story.


Better coordination

It is hard to put into words how thankful we are for the vision therapy that Cody has received. After numerous doctor visits, discussions with preschool teachers, eye specialists, and occupational therapist with no solutions to be found; we were very frustrated.

It wasn’t until Denise recommended we come listen to Dr. Doud that we thought now, this is Cody.

He was a very happy child but was always frustrated when it came to fine motor and gross motor skills. He had numerous bruises from running into things and would do his best to avoid running into others. In addition he would not color, cut, and hated to write.

Today, my child is no longer the child who tells me how stupid he is at school. He loves to color, loves writing stories, and is excelling at reading. He loves soccer and baseball and has improved with these areas as well.

He is even good at hitting the ball with golf and baseball.

I am thrilled to report that he rarely runs into things, other than when he is being a 1st grader. What a difference this year has made. It has been quite a commitment on everyone’s part, but I would not gave changed a thing.

We plan to continue to practice the eye exercises 1-2 times a week. It has helped his focus, concentration, and tracking. Thank you so much for all of your efforts.


The Kalota Family

Reading much better

Through Vision Therapy I’ve noticed my daughter gain more confidence in herself and her abilities. Her reading has improved ten fold and through constant corrections we’re able to isolate the true problem. I am very pleased with her results and even though she’s not 100% it is huge progress in the right direction.

Ms. Lynn was a lot of fun and worked really well to keep the interest and momentum going. She is very knowledgeable, compassionate and empathetic.

If you & your family are on the fence about VT I can say from our experience -Go For It!

Thanks Hartland Visual Learning Center & especially Mrs. Lynn

Julie Kabalka

Homework struggles gone and sports improvement

I can’t say enough about Vision Therapy. When Eddie started therapy, he was struggling through 3rd grade. It took us over 2 hours to do ½ hour of homework. He also had a hard time playing sports. I can go on and on.

Now Eddie is in 4th grade. I know he is older but homework is not an issue now. That is a huge accomplishment. He can complete his work without my help.

Thank you!

He is more responsible and not forgetting his books or assignments. I am so happy and his life is easier. His sports have improved also. Playing baseball he would miss swinging at the ball. Now he hardly misses.

Mrs. Denise has done a fantastic job! Even though it was a lot of work, she always made it fun for Eddie.

Eddie will have an easier time at school and I can’t thank Dr. Doud and Mrs. Denise enough.

Thank you so much!!

Alison Tomczyk

Reading better

The first four or five weeks I had a room partner and his name is Devin and he is a lot of fun. He has a hat that had a dog on it and floppy ears.

He would bring cars and balls to therapy. A couple times new people came in and I made them feel welcome. How therapy has helped me is homework.

I can do it faster, I can read faster. I can copy better and my visual memory has strengthened.

Eddie Tomczyk

Future comedian

I had a great time with Lisa. She was a fun teacher. I met a friend named Eddie he was really fun. I like Denise and Dr. Doud. I like the appointments.

I would bring toys in to show Lisa. I would play and work at the same time. I like this program because it trains your eyes.

I wrote this on the inauguration when Barock Obama was sworn in to office. I like V.T. I’m Devin Foxwell and I approve this message.

Devin Foxwell

She is now in the process of being great

I think vision therapy helps me and others to focus on what they are doing, and to stay on progress of being great.

I experienced that with Lisa and trust me, it helped. I think that we all need to be better at something. I’m better at golf than most things. So can you.

Heidi Kletzli

From shy to confident, no double vision, head turn gone

We knew out son was having vision problems but we had no idea the severity of it until we witnessed the struggles he had with the exercises. It was heart wrenching!

In a school year’s time, we saw our little guy go from a shy, quiet insecure boy to a strong, outgoing and confident boy!

Preston went from constant double vision to seeing only one of everything! He struggled to play sports because of his inability to see one ball at a time.

Running was difficult because he couldn’t make his eyes converge. Reading was tough! He worked very hard, but didn’t seem to improve. His eyes couldn’t see what a “normal” set of eyes saw.

Vision Therapy is a God send!

Not only can Preston play sports, but he can run with his head straight. Most importantly, Preston went from a low 1st grade reading level to being in the top reading level in his class!!! He has also advanced to the top math group in his class as well!!

Denise, our son’s vision therapist was awesome to work with! She met Preston where he was at. She got into his world to make him comfortable. Not only was Denise very encouraging & supportive to Preston, but she addressed every concern and worry we had about his vision with compassion and love.

We hate to think where our son would be today if Dr. Doud & his staff weren’t recommended to us for vision therapy. It was totally worth every dollar spent and every minute we devoted to Preston’s appointments and at home exercises/homework.

We will never be the same because of what we have learned and how Preston was helped!

A side note to any parents: No matter the struggle or time constraints homework is absolutely key to the success of vision therapy.

Holli & Ron Crum

Mrs. Denise Rocks! (so do you Preston!)

When I started vision therapy I saw 2 of everything unless I turned my head to the side. It was hard to play sports because I always was 2 balls at a time instead of 1. It was even hard to run because I had to turn my head to see. Reading was so hard!

Mrs. Denise gave me exercises to fix my eyes. Mrs. Denise told me how to turn my weak eye back on when it shuts off.

I only see one ball now when I play sports. I don’t turn my head when I run either. I am in the highest math group in my class!

Mrs. Denise Rocks!!!

Preston Crum

Best VT Teacher

I recommend Vision Therapy to anyone.

I have improved greatly. Before I was having a hard time and now it is much easier for me. My vision therapy teacher Mrs. Denise she would help me while playing games with me. She really helped me a lot. She is a great teacher.

I recommend her to everybody else. She is the best VT teacher alive.

Thank you Mrs. Denise, I appreciate all the hard work to help me. I think everyone should use VT because nobody has perfect eyes. Everyone could use VT. I could burst with happiness and gratitude.

Thank you again Mrs. Denise please see your eye doctor and your kids eye doctor and ask them about VT because if it can help me it should be able to help you.

Samantha Tyson

Reading improved, sports improved, double vision gone

Jack was reading at a 1.8 level in the beginning of therapy, at the end he is at a 4.2.

He has had much improvement, happier with having less problems at school, less worried about tests, plays soccer better, hits a ball better, and no double vision when he’s up close.

I was very nervous about doing eye therapy when we started but now I know we did the right thing.

When Jack hot off the bus from school and read his first chapter book took a test and got 100% and said he was so happy not to feel lost at school his smile was worth a million.

Thank you so much to Mrs. Lynn we really enjoyed her. Jack really liked her a lot.

Carla Cassey

Homework Stress Relieved

My daughter has made dramatic improvements in regards to her school work.

Prior to Vision Therapy, she seldom had any of her homework completed at school. Everyday after school I would have to sit with her and we would “do her homework together.”

Many times there would be tears and anger. Now she seems to be more organized about her work independently.

This has led to major attitude changes in my daughter. The academic work is not frustrating, she is more confident I school and at home.

I am thankful to have learned about Vision Therapy. Prior to VT it seemed that her struggles with school work were more about discipline.

I never would have thought that it was a vision problem. It is wonderful to see her become more confident, happy and have academic success! Thank you!

Tracking Problem Leads to Frustration

It started around 3rd grade, when my daughter’s teacher asked my husband and I to consider holding her back another year, that she was “too immature” and wasn’t grasping 3rd grade completely.

We were absolutely shocked, she was primarily an A and B student and there were no complaints all year except that she was a “little too social”.

We were very concerned and talked it over with our daughter. She was devastated!

She could not understand why she was going to be held back if her grades were good. Her self esteem was shattered, she thought that she was doing well, and just needed to not visit so much with other students. How do you explain to a child that she can’t move on, and for what reason?

The teacher stated that she wasn’t getting a good grasp on subjects, her reading and comprehension were below grade level and that her concern was 4th grade would be a struggle. My husband and I got her eyes checked and she did need a slight prescription, so we got her glasses and decided to move her on to 4th grade.

We also got a recommendation for a reading tutor over the summer to help her get a jump on the next year. Come 4th grade she did very well as far as grades went again, primarily all A’s and B’s. She wasn’t as social and she seemed to be fine.

Her 4th grade teacher expressed some concern over her reading, even with her glasses. Something was not clicking and my daughter never stated that she was seeing anything wrong. I saw Dr. Doud’s advertisement in the newspaper many times and wondered if that was what my daughter’s issue was with seeing. I took her in for a consultation.

My daughter stated that she was seeing words “double” like there was one word on top of the other and that the words just weren’t clear, they were fuzzy. They suggested she be tested for some vision problems that glasses just couldn’t fix. She was given extensive tests and was diagnosed with a very low reading, tracking and comprehension levels for a 4th grader, she was just above grade 1.

She had some focusing issues. She was a level 1, but that she was a good candidate for Vision Therapy. My husband and I were very skeptical, since we had never heard anything about this treatment. My daughter’s teacher had not heard anything about this program.

I did a lot of research on the internet and the issues that my daughter seemed to be having fit the diagnosis of vision problems to a T. We agreed that she should have this therapy and the doctor set up a program and we started therapy as soon as possible. Within the first 4 weeks, my daughter’s reading level increased dramatically.

I had seen a huge difference in her confidence and she was so happy that things were being sorted out; she stated that the words were starting to come together and become 1 word and not double. As she continued therapy, she only got better. I had informed her teacher that she would be involved in this program.

She personally saw such an improvement, that she had approached me and asked more about vision therapy. We talked quite a bit about it and I requested her to get more information about it to the school and to parents that may be experiencing problems with their children. This program was a life saver, self esteem builder and tremendous relief for our daughter.

As of this date, she is at an upper 5th grade reading and the honor roll all year 2 semesters with all A’s and 2 semesters with A’s and B’s. We have watched her become very assertive and comfortable with her classes and school subjects in general.

We literally have a different child on our hands and it is great. Vision Therapy is just wonderful! And I hope that more people find this to help their children, because it works. I would recommend this to anyone!!!

Thank you to everyone involved and dedicated to the program.

Susan Bennington


Double Vision

At first I saw things double, like when I played softball, I would see two balls when I went up to hit. I could still hit the ball, but I was confused.

Reading was more difficult too, because I was seeing words double and they would be fuzzy most of the time.

My Mom took me in to have my eyes checked and they said that I had some problems that glasses just wouldn¡¯t fix, so I started vision therapy.

I no longer am seeing words or things double. My reading has improved to 5th grade level, which is what grade I am in, and I hit the ball much better and more often this year.

My teacher in school really noticed a difference with my fluency and comprehension. I did great in school this year and I was on the honor roll all year.

I did better sports and other activities, thanks to vision therapy, Dr. Doud and Denise (my therapist).

Thank you Hartland Eye Care.

Dariean Bennington


Attention Improvement

Jonathan is tracking a lot better. He is able to pay attention more. I would say before starting a child in school, have there eyes checked by Dr. Doud.

Jan Spezia

September 8, 2004